Thursday, February 11, 2010

Back Again..... Installment #2 in what brings me to the current day in my so called life!!

As I stated earlier, I have been in and out of jails and institutions as a result of my tumultuous affair with Heroin. I had a good uninterrupted run with sobriety (not my first semi long-term hiatus) from November 15th, 2008 - September 16th, 2009, but that having been my most recent is the one I will refer to. I again returned to active addiction that fine September day and alot of what happened from then until my return to sanity (if that’s what you want to call it, I still feel crazy as a loon)  I won’t go into full detail to protect those involved unless I receive their permission. I will say this, it happened quickly and before I knew it I was right back in a drug induced hell. Lying to everyone I associated with, stealing to fuel the fire that was again coursing thru my veins I wandered the streets aimlessly just me and a duffle bag full of filthy clothing. As other times I had some sobriety under my belt and returned to the drugs and insanity I again reached lower bottoms than before. Living in abandoned buildings on the west side of Chicago, associating with prostitutes, thieves and others I normally would not. This run found me at the end completely and totally mentally, physically and spiritually bankrupt wanting nothing more than to die. I attempted on a few occasions to do just that and for some reason I just guess it just wasn’t my time to go. There must be some higher purpose I was put here to serve that maybe I am yet unable to see. I had a few close friends with whom I kept in touch with, constantly urging me to come back from the Dark Side. After a long enough beating I picked up the phone and cried out for help. Those cries were quickly answered; I ended up in Haymarket Center for detox on January 2, 2010. This brings me to where I am today, 40 days clean and sober and writing this blog.

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